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The Prenatal Problem: why I don’t take or recommend prenatal vitamins

Fertility Mini-Series: PART 4

First things first: nothing in this post is medical advice. Always consult with your doctor.

Second: EAT YOUR PRENATAL IS FINALLY LIVE. The link is in my bio to purchase 🎉

I don’t take a prenatal or multivitamin, and I don’t recommend them, either.

For some, especially those who are pregnant or are trying to conceive, this can seem terrifying. We’ve had it absolutely pounded into our head that to prepare our bodies for pregnancy, we need to take a prenatal vitamin.

We have been conditioned to believe that a single supplement has us covered. Meaning that it not only fills in all of our nutritional gaps, but it protects us from all the junk food we want to eat, too.

I personally find it sad that we’ve been tricked into thinking that taking a supplement and turning our nutrition over to a supplement company is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves and our growing baby.

The best thing we can do is make it a priority to get as many of our vitamins and minerals from real, Whole Foods.

Although I am not pregnant and do not have any children yet, I am not taking a prenatal to prepare my body for pregnancy, and I won’t be taking one during pregnancy either.

We created Eat Your Prenatal, a 170 page eBook guide to prenatal nutrition, so that you can take your power back into your own hands and feel confident in your decision to nourish yourself through real food and intentional supplementation.

While I will always try my best to ensure the information provided on this website is accurate and true to my knowledge, there is always the possibility that my writing can contain omissions, errors, and/or mistakes. The information on my website is for informational use only, and should not be used or seen as any kind of advice (medical, emotional, etc.)

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am not a doctor, and therefore cannot diagnose or treat any specific disease or medical condition. I am trained to evaluate nutritional needs, and make recommendations of dietary change and nutritional supplements, NOT diagnose or prescribe. No comment or recommendation from me, as your Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, should be construed as medical diagnosis or prescription.

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