Fertility mini-series: PART 1
We’ve all heard that female fertility significantly decreases at age 35.
They make it sound as if you just wake up on your 35th birthday and you’re automatically just less fertile.
This is also the age that pregnancies are considered “geriatric” (?) what ever that means.
While it’s obvious that fertility of course does decline at some point and then eventually stop since women go through menopause, does it mean we just hit a wall once we hit a certain age?
I certainly don’t think it has to, but that all depends on diet, lifestyle, stress, and the choices we make to support our bodies every day.
I am 28 years old, not married, and really wanting to have a lot of kids at some point. So I’m well aware that I’ll be having children past age 35, and maybe even into my 40s.
Am I nervous that my fertility is just going to stop in a few years?
For some reason the medical system likes to assign arbitrary numbers to things that cause a lot of unnecessary fear.
I have been actively preparing my body for pregnancy for 2.5 years. Every day, I take my future fertility into consideration with the food and lifestyle choices I make.
Even though I’ve gotten older, my ovulations have gotten stronger, my periods have gotten better (even with having a diagnosis of endometriosis), and I truly believe I am FAR more fertile now than I was at age 22.
Our eBook Eat Your Prenatal is coming out in August where we’re going to be diving into all this in depth. Link + more info in my bio.
Thanks so much for the information! I'm on a journey of healing my hormones after years of eating disorders and birth control. When you say stop drinking tap water, what is the alternative? Do you have a suggested water filter?