Sometimes, healing is more about what you stop doing than what you start doing.
Sometimes what you STOP doing instead of what you START doing can be far more powerful.
Stopping the overload of synthetic/useless/toxic supplements can be more beneficial to your body than the supplements you add in.
Eliminating toxic/estrogenic household and beauty products can be more beneficial than adding in the raw carrot salad.
What I mean by that is that you really can’t expect to start doing something like eating the raw carrot salad daily but continue using toxic household products, wearing perfume, toxic lotions, and chemicals on your skin, cooking in teflon (estrogenic) pans, etc. and expect to see positive results.
You can’t rebuild a house that’s on fire. You have to put the fire out first before any of the repair can start to take place. In this case, the fire is the onslaught of toxic supplements, behaviors, consumption, and mindset.
Once that goes, you can start to focus on adding beneficial things back into your life, and the benefits will be even bigger.
I think in this culture that constantly has us wanting to do more, we forget that sometimes doing less is the most powerful, useful, and healing thing we can do.